Blogposts & Podcasts
As Featured In

What is your Essence?
A mindful (and funny) chat among friends with the "Artful Athlete" Segolene Scheuer
This is probably my most honest podcast interview so far and a summary of what I have learned the last few years not only on my world wide travels but in everyday life. Facing life lessons, even the tough and unpleasant ones.
Because these ones, as we all know but don't really like to accept, get you out of the comfort zones and onto a much bigger adventure.
But even then, it means facing lower days and moments of doubts. I spend time asking my mind all the big questions to pinpoint which story it’s trying to tell me. And after a while of this exercise my learning is this: You get to see the patterns, the fears, the elements that keep repeating themselves if you are just attentive and compassionate enough.
And one day, you come to realise: they no longer have a hold over you because you are the boss and you can reprogram yourself and remember who you are.
It takes time, a listening ear and practice. But it helps connect to the deepest part of your mind and body… And one day to your essence.
Segolene is one of my friends here in London and together we always philosophise about big life questions anyway and this time we let you take part. Thank you for summarising this interview so well.
Find the episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Libsyn.
Soon it will be translated into German, too!

Can Yoga help to heal Trauma?
YouTube Interview with Juliette Burton
Can Yoga help to recover from Trauma? Interview with writer, comedian and Rethink Mental Illness ambassador Juliette Burton.
Another wonderful opportunity occurred to speak about what it means to be human, with all its emotions, ups and downs.
I had the pleasure to be interviewed by lovely juliette_burton & ingeniousfools for her hopepunk project on the topic:
"Can Yoga help to recover from Trauma?"
And boiii us two could not stop talking.Time just flew by.
It is a very interesting and honest conversation with plenty of tips and insights to integrate into your practise or daily routine.
Not only we speak about yoga but also about perception, the role of your brain and much more.
Julia had very interesting guests with touching stories in her show already- definitely check them out.
Polyvagal Theory applied in Yoga is such an interesting field and you can learn more about it by joining my classes where I drop some info and exercises here and there to dive all the way into your parasympathetic nervous system= Rest and digest, safety zone, no more danger or threat.
What do YOU think, do we hold (unresolved) trauma and emotions in our body?
Tell me more, I cannot wait to dive deeper and to learn more about this topic.
Here's to be human!

My journey with Relationship OCD and Anxiety
The OCD & Anxiety Podcast by Robert James Coaching UK
It was my pleasure to join my coach and by now friend robertjamescoachinguk again in his podcast and to speak about my Relationship OCD and anxiety journey.
There was a time I had no idea what was going in my mind and life and I couldn't speak this easily about my repetitive thinking patterns, compulsions and intrusive thoughts.
Fear, shame, guilt and a lot "what if's" ruled my daily life.
Although I'm a yoga instructor, although I had all the tools to help myself.
I have come a long a way, done a lot inner work and I am happy to share this knowledge with you and pass on some helpful tips.
If you are interested in Acceptance-Commitment-Therapy(ACT) or the topics which we discuss sound familiar please message me. It is time to end the stigma about mental health.
I also start taking on clients for ACT - coaching.

Interview with Bella the Yogi
The OCD & Anxiety Podcast by Robert James Coaching UK
I had the great pleasure to be interviewed by my anxiety coach robertjamescoachinguk for his anxiety& OCD Podcast.
I got in touch with Rob in November 2019 and by now he turned more into friend than anything else. You can hear us laughing a lot in this podcast. Rob taught me great tools to handle my anxiety and I am happy to share these with you.
Moreover we compare what my passion for yoga and "ACT" have in common and how much yoga can help you with awareness, compassion and patience towards anxiety and yourself.
Enjoy and keep smiling!
Ps: Don't be shy to reach out for help!